The Book of Insignificant Movements
Cornerstone Habits :: Draft
In every building build of stone there is one stone that was laid first.
Carefully, with intent.
This stone is called the corner stone.
Once that stone was established and fixed, all other stones could be aligned to it and the building could rise.
From this single stone, something solid and real came to be. Aligned to this cornerstone a resilient and strong structure
For you, as person in this world - if you choose your cornerstone habits well, those will become the enabling constraints towards owning who you are in this world.
In this chapter we suggest some habits that we have found useful. And then stopped doing. And then picked up again.
We’re saying: Forming habits is a whole new topic on it’s own. And we’re not yet perfect at it.
That aside, these are the habits that repeatedly come up over and over:
- Journal
- Exercise
- Meditate
That’s it.
These three habits make for great cornerstone habits.
Journalling: The conscious act of slowing down time so that reflection can occur. Meditation: Teaching the unconscious that there is an abundance of time to have ideas. Exercise: More and more research shows that the human experience is first and foremost embodied. Meaning that skill in your embodied experience will translate to better skill in making sense of this world.
On top of the cornerstone habits, arches can be created that truly vaults you into a next level.