The Book of Insignificant Movements
De-cide :: Draft
Pesti-cide - to kill pests.
Geno-cide - to kill a group.
Regi-cide - to kill a king.
Have you ever then stopped to ask: What is being killed when you de-cide?
De-cide means to cut off a branch.
To cut off a future that could have happened. To decide is to kill a future.
That, is what you need to do when you make a real decision.
We so easily say “let’s make a decision”. We so naturally say “I have made a decision”.
We rarely deeply consider what we needed to give up in order to gain.
A decision is only a decision if you are very clear on the futures you have cut.
A decision is only a decision if you deliberately kill, with full intent, other futures for yourself.
When you decide: Be explicit on what you are cutting. Be clear on what you are losing. Be clear on what futures are dying.
Then what you are gaining, becomes that much more clear.
And you will appreciate your de-cision for what it is: A future, that you are choosing for yourself.